Parkinson's Resources
on the WWWeb

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From the PARKINSN LIST e-mail LISTSERV Archive now meticulously maintained by the unassuming Oklahoman, John Cottingham, originally equally well maintained through the generousity of England's Simon Coles...

Post: 078241
Date: 2000/04/01
From: Murray Charters
Subj: April is Parkinson's Awareness Month

Hi All,

April is Parkinson's Awareness Month. The Parkinson's Organizations are promoting their interests ... fund raisers & what have you ...

Our local British Columbia Parkinson's Disease Association has Fund Raisers; an Annual Raffle, Parkinson's Dance, Tulip Sale, *The SuperWalk, and AGM; as well as Support Groups and several Education Meetings and are in the process of launching a Parkinson's Society, B.C. web site ...

While I am an active "participant" in all of the above, I also wanted to do something "more" ...

I've gathered hyper-links, bookmarks, and URL's for Parkinson Resources on the WWWeb and I plan to post them in bunches (one topic per day) on this List in my own personal attempt to raise Parkinson's Awareness around the world ...

I encourage you all to jump in and critique, improve, support these efforts in whatever way you see fit ...

Stay tuned for WWWeb Resources ...

my best to all of you ... murray

* Original Post Edited / Updated 2002/07/21 to clarify and to include SuperWalk & web site hyper-links; etc. ... murray

"the disclaimer" | back to the top | next |

bullet Patients and laypersons looking for guidance among the target sources of this collection of links are strongly advised to review the information retrieved with their professional health care provider.

Links to Web sites are provided for information purposes. I am jus' an ol' red-necked Mechanic who happens to have Parkinson's. I have no medical credentials.

This site contains education and research URL's bookmarked by a Parkinson's patient. Nothing you read in these pages should be considered an endorsement or medical advice.

I assembled these links from personal searches for my own education and wish to share them with you in an endeavor to increase Parkinson Awareness.

I assume no responsibility or liability for material on linked sites. I have no financial interest in any of the linked sites.

Reminder: Medical information should always be reviewed with your physician or attending professional before ever attempting to change any medication or therapy.

Be forewarned ... you must never assume that information obtained from the web is necessarily the best information available (or even valid).

Remember, no one sets content rules on the Internet.

That said, there is an education awaiting you!

Starting here ...

"Surfer Beware!"
Relevant insightful advice from Joel R. Cooper, editor in chief of The Medical Reporter

"Is This Site Reliable?"
FDA staff and others familiar with Internet medical offerings suggest asking the following questions to help determine the reliability of a Web site:

The Health on the Net Foundation Code of Conduct (HONcode) for medical and health Web sites addresses one of Internet's main healthcare issues: the reliability and credibility of information.

On April 28th, 1999, the Science Panel on Interactive Communication and Health (SciPICH), an independent body convened by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), released its final report, Wired for Health and Well-Being: The Emergence of Interactive Health Communication.

The Panel is no longer active, and this site is maintained for historical purposes only.

Finding Health Related Resources

Finding Health Related Resources: Search Services & Databases
Search Services & Databases

Finding Health Related Resources: Reference Works
Reference Works

Evaluating the Quality of Information on the Internet

Evaluating the Quality of Information on the Internet: Checklist

"table of contents"

"the credits" | back to top | disclaimer | table of contents | next |

Seems "funny" to say this, but way back in the spring of '98...
[ animated horse ]
A little reminder that the ready kindness of Jerry Finch was the catalyst that really started this all!

And... guess who provided the inspiration... my cyber - sis!

The "Undernet" or "WebRings" but none for PD

Opportunity is knocking at your door!!!

Gail, my dear, take a bow. You are responsible for the whole PWP webring scenario!

Jerry was PWP Ringmaster... and NuCountry chat host... and taught HTML...

And... Janet Paterson, then made it possible by graciously donating the initial HTML Coding of 31 pages on this site ...

Janet's Web-Site:
A New Voice

thanks jp! i hope i don't muck it all up! ... mc

Last but not least... where would a "Tweakmeister" be without a coupla great "Tweakettes"? ... my loving wife, Brenda, and my cyber-sis Gail put up with my wacko humor and my funny ideas only so long and then they quietly straighten me out! I hope y'all enjoy the results...

Ain't "Teamwork" truly Grand!

"A Kodak Moment" | back to top | disclaimer | table of contents | next |

photo of me and my smallest grand-daughter
"Big Hands - Little Hands"

Me and My Smallest Grand-Daughter Molly Shannon

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